1st black female FDNY deputy chief

The FDNY promotion ceremony in Brooklyn on Thursday had a lot to celebrate. But Tonya Boyd stood out from the rest.

Boyd's story is one of resilience and determination. The 21-year emergency medical services veteran of the FDNY became the first black woman to rise to the rank of deputy chief. She said her promotion is a big deal because when she joined the department she didn't see anyone who looked like her.

Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro called Boyd a wonderful person and a great role model for young women.

This day reflects the dedication they have given the profession but also the respect that they've earned from their peers.

Boyd joined the FDNY in 1997. She laid the groundwork even before that by working as an EMT while attending nursing school.

She earned it. What do they call her now?

"Chief! Chief," she said. "Chief Tonya."