Woman flies with 'service turkey' for emotional support

A Seattle woman who was flying to San Francisco to spread her husband's ashes took her 25-pound pet turkey on the flight for emotional support.

Jodie Smalley, 34, says her turkey, Easter, has been there for her since her husband passed away from cancer three months ago.

“Hearing about a turkey on a plane sounds ridiculous,” she said. “But people have no idea what I’ve been through.”

She said the presence of her turkey, which she has had since Easter was a chick, truly helps.

“She’s been there for me,” Jodie said.

Fellow travelers were tickled by their feathered fellow passenger and whipped out their cellphones to take pictures.

Easter didn’t make a sound during the two-hour flight and exited the plane like a veteran traveler.

Jodie spread her husband's ashes at San Francisco’s Japanese Tea Garden.

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