Uber driver who booted 2 kissing women has license suspended

NEW YORK (AP) - An Uber driver who booted out two women who kissed each other in his car has had his license suspended.

New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission spokesman Allan Fromberg calls the driver's behavior "ridiculous." Fromberg says it's 2018 and "this isn't the way we live anymore."

The women are a couple in their 20s and were on their way from Brooklyn to Manhattan on Saturday when they exchanged what they call a "peck" on the lips. They say driver Ahmad El Boutari forced them out and a confrontation ensued.

A cellphone video taken by one of the women shows the driver saying kissing in an Uber is illegal.

The women and the driver haven't responded to messages left Tuesday seeking comment.

Uber says it does not tolerate discrimination and is investigating.