New York City, State to co-create Legionnaires' regulations

NEW YORK (AP) — New York City and state will create joint emergency regulations to combat Legionnaires' Disease.

An outbreak in the Bronx has killed 12 people and sickened more than 100 others.

The response to the outbreak to this point has been filled with apparent turf battles between Governor Andrew Cuomo's and Mayor Bill de Blasio's administrations.

Their joint statement released Tuesday, which also included City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, was aimed at projecting cooperation.

Their offices will craft legislation to mandate the regulations and timing of mandatory inspection of cooling towers, which can harbor the Legionella bacteria.

Previously, there were not any cleaning regulations or a registry of buildings that have the towers.

The council is expected to pass legislation. Cuomo will then use his emergency powers to apply it statewide.