New NYC law helps protect freelancers

Every year in the United States, more and more people leave the world of permanent employment for a world where they can create their own schedules, according to Caitlin Pearce of Freelancers Union. But freelancing may not be as freeing as it sounds. 

Freelancers Union, which represents 300,000 freelancers nationwide, encouraged New York City officials to pass the Freelance Isn't Free Act, which Mayor Bill de Blasio signed into law last month. The bill requires written contracts for freelance jobs.

"Now if a company doesn't pay their freelancer on time there are new penalties they could face including civil penalties as well as in court they could be facing double damages and attorney fees," said Caitlin Pearce of Freelancers Union.

Councilman Brad Lander, who was one of the lead sponsors of this bill, says this is the first bill of its kind in the country to protect freelancers in this way. He hopes the passing of this law will inspire other governments to follow New York's lead.