Mother ID's 15-year-old daughter as victim killed in Oakland road-rage incident
OAKLAND, Calif. - Fifteen-year-old Shamara Young was identified Thursday by her mother as the Oakland girl who was fatally shot Wednesday night in a road-rage incident, making her the 109th homicide victim of the year in the East Bay city.
"She loved her family a lot. She loved her little brothers and she was very protective of them," Young's mother told police.
Her mother did not want her name to be used, but said her daughter was an awesome big sister.
"She always wanted to give hugs and kisses and smother me with attention," she said.
Her mother described Shamara as "a real loving girl" and called the act of violence "senseless."
"We need to get together and find out who did this," she said.
In a video tweet issued by the Oakland Police Department, Shamara's mother added, "It's not called snitching. It's called protecting your city."
The shooting occurred around 11:30 p.m. Wednesday near 51st and Bancroft avenues in East Oakland.
Shamara was riding in the car with her uncle when they became involved in a road-rage incident, Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong said during a press briefing on Thursday.
But Armstrong said arguing ensued between two cars and shots were fired into the vehicle Shamara was riding in. She was struck several times and driven to Highland Hospital by her uncle, where she later died.
Authorities have little information on a possible suspect, but described the suspect vehicle as an Acura. It was unclear what started the arguing. Armstrong described is as a "dialogue," which escalated into a verbal argument, which then led to multiple shots being fired into the car.
The killing brings the number of homicides in Oakland so far this year to 109, the total number of slayings in the city in 2020, including justifiable homicides.
"We cannot arrest our way out," Armstrong said, adding later, "This is not just a police issue. Violence is a community issue."
Armstrong became emotional when reflecting on the 15-year-old's death as he has two daughters of his own.
He began the briefing, as is his custom, with a moment of silence to honor the city's homicide victims this year.
"How many times do we have to cry out to you? How many times do we have to say we are in a moment of crisis?" Armstrong questioned.
Earlier this week, police were investigating the homicide of local activist and another shooting that killed a woman in East Oakland.

Shamara Young, identified by her mother as the 15-year-old killed in a road-rage shooting in Oakland.

Mother of the victim.