Couples taking 'wedding moons' ahead of ceremony

The cake, the dress, the guest list: planning a wedding is not easy, as any bride will tell you.

Rachel Onanga is getting married this weekend. But two weeks ago she and her fiancé Frank decided they needed a break from the wedding planning madness and booked a getaway in Connecticut for what is called a 'wedding moon'.

Rachel and Frank aren't the only ones breaking from the standard wedding-then-honeymoon routine and taking a trip before the big day, says Jamie Miles, the online managing editor of She says it is a way for couples to avoid the stress of planning for a couple of days and just spend time together before the ceremony.

Many moons ago, like when your parents got married, it was probably a honeymoon or nothing at all. But these days couples are mixing it up. A bride and groom taking a wedding moon, a mini moon and then a baby moon, too, is not uncommon.

Miles says the trend is even inspiring hotel chains to cater to couples with special wedding moon packages.

The only thing to worry about: a wedding moon will probably make your wedding price tag even bigger.