Christmas cheer for adults with developmental disabilities on Long Island

Adults with developmental disabilities spent their Christmas morning unwrapping presents under their tree.

They’re not biological relatives, but their bond is just as strong.

Sounds and scenes of ripping off wrapping paper took place at about a dozen other homes like this one on Long Island - thanks to Catholic Charities, which provides housing and activities for people with developmental disabilities. 

House manager Dyan McCoun plays Santa each year. On a daily basis, McCoun is more like mom.

McCoun calls adults with special needs the forgotten population. She makes sure no one is defined by their disabilities.

"To see them happy and smile and get excited over things," she said. "It’s an amazing feeling."

As part of the tradition, the day ends with dinner and dessert, but the hearts of these residents are already full. They’re overflowing with gratitude and lots of love.