Bronx businesses hire security patrols due to crime

Bronx's storefronts along Fordham Road have an added layer of security thanks to a new grassroots program that began 2 weeks ago.

Called Patrol Ambassadors, the 5 member team walks the street between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Wednesday thru Saturday.  It's a very busy Bronx corridor where businesses continue to deal with constant thefts.

Albert Dalipi, the spokesman for the Patrol Ambassadors Program, says, "We can have eyes and ears on the ground to determine what's happening in our corridor and deter crime. We surveyed major stakeholders in this community, property owners, vendors, and people and the top two needs were security and sanitation."

This type of community partnership falls in line with goals that the NYPD say is a key component to keeping the city safe.

Funding for the Patrol Ambassadors program is from the Fordham Road Business Improvement District and a small business grant.  They are looking for more permanent funding to continue and expand the program.

None of the Ambassadors carry a gun.  They say their strongest weapon is their love for their community.

"It gives people a way to feel like this is my neighborhood and I'm looking out for this community and that's how you solved the safety problem," Daliphi says.