Arizona IRS special agent indicted in fellow agent’s shooting death: USAO

Officials with the United States Attorney’s Office say an IRS special agent in the Phoenix area has been indicted in connection with a shooting that left another IRS special agent dead.

According to a statement released on Mar. 1, a federal grand jury indicted 42-year-old Larry Edward Brown on a count of involuntary manslaughter of an officer of the United States.

The incident, investigators say, happened on Aug. 17, 2023 at a firearm range located at the Federal Correctional Institution Phoenix. The victim, since identified as Patrick Bauer, was in a building known as the ‘Tower’ with Brown.

The building is described by officials with the U.S. Attorney’s Office as "a small, one-room structure with an interior measuring approximately eight feet by nine feet, located on the range where firearms instructors can observe and command live-fire trainings." Bauer, who was a trained use of force instructor, was leading live-fire pistol qualifications on the day of the shooting.

"While inside the Tower, Brown handled his firearm without due caution and with reckless disregard for human life, striking Special Agent Bauer in the torso with a single gunshot," read a portion of the statement. "Despite life-saving efforts by agents at the scene, EMTs, and hospital staff, Special Agent Bauer died as a result of the penetrating gunshot wound."

Bauer, according to a statement released on Aug. 18, 2023 by IRS Criminal Investigation officials, was survived by his wife and four children.

According to prosecutors, those found guilty of involuntary manslaughter of an officer of the United States could be sentenced to a maximum of eight years in prison, and a fine of up to $250,000.

Map of the incident scene

ArizonaCrime and Public Safety