Probe: TSA missed mock weapons, bombs

The Transportation Security Administration was put to the test and it failed. An undercover operation by the Department of Homeland Security revealed that TSA screeners, equipment, and security procedures are not up to par, failing to detect weapons.

Homeland Security investigators found that more than 70 percent of the time, undercover officers were able to get through TSA checkpoints with mock knives, guns, and explosives.

Two years ago, a similar undercover operation revealed that the TSA failed 95 percent of the time and allowed mock weapons and explosive material to get through the screening checkpoints.

Members of the Office of Inspector General, the Department of Homeland Security, and the TSA appeared before the House Committee on Homeland Security on Wednesday to discuss the results.

Lawmakers blasted the TSA and called these findings disturbing. They are pushing for new scanner equipment and tighter security.

"We take the OIG's findings very seriously and are implementing measures that will improve screening effectiveness at checkpoints," TSA said in a statement. "We are focused on staying ahead of a dynamic threat to aviation with continued investment in the workforce, enhanced procedures, and new technologies."

The Inspector General has made eight classified recommendations.