Community run bookstore survives in Manhattan

Books written by women, for women and about women’s  issues line many of the shelves at the Bluestockings Book store on the Lower East Side.

Its  name is a nod to history and a Women’s  literary discussion group formed in the mid-18th century.

While the titles  here may seem radical to some, this store owners embrace traditional forms of communication.

Janelle Kilmer is a collective co-owner of Bluestockings book store. She said, "People like to have face to face conversations still they like to organize together."

She and other volunteers work here for free helping to keep it open seven days a week.

They also host book readings.  She said the mission is to, "make the world a better place to be accepting of different types of people strong sense of community."

In the 1980’s Bluestockings almost closed but the customers and volunteer workforce helped keep the bookstore open.

Red Schulte is also a volunteer.

She said, "I think that community based spaced on the Lower East side is under threat. Here people can stay connected to each other."

What’s most seems radical now… is not the titles of the books on these shelves, but the idea a small community run bookstore is still thriving in New York City.